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Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences hosted a two-day event on September 5th-6th 2012, during which the official launch of the QUICOM project took place. Besides the formal project kick off, the meeting provided an opportunity for the partners to meet, obtain an overview of the entire project and initiate the first activities and interactions.

During the two days of the meeting, the Project Coordinator welcomed all participants and presented to the consortium an overview of the QUICOM project, the financial rules that shall be followed and the project structure with all the work packages. Following that, an overview of the activities was presented by the relevant partners as well as the next steps that should be followed.

Finally, the management structure, review processes and dissemination rules were explained to all participants in order to allow the smooth and timely communication among the consortium members throughout the project.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research,
technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 314562.

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