Leader: CEA 

Partners involved: FHW, CTU, UPAT, KU Leuven, EADS, AIR, FACC, LAC, VG, FHG


The overall objective of WP9 is to evaluate and demonstrate the complete QUICOM technology platform including various X-ray techniques for data acquisition, the algorithms for data analysis, the characterization methods and the composite computer models developed in WP3 to WP8.


Evaluation will concern both the developed composite computer models (task leader KUL) and the X-ray techniques and integrated algorithms developed within the project (task leader CEA). Evaluation should determine if the specifications and needs are fulfilled, and highlight the adequacy of each inspection problem with the available techniques. Capabilities will be compared to those of other techniques (ultrasound).


Evaluation should also analyse the industrial applicability, and the possible integration into standard procedures. For this aim of evaluation a software demonstrator (resp. VG) will be developed. The feedback of evaluation tasks in the form of protocols will be used to fine tune handling and user friendliness of the software demonstrator.


Demonstration will illustrate the potentialities of the various techniques. A robot based XCT setup at FHG site (leader FHG) will be used for large and complex component with limited accessibility (WP6). Capabilities will be demonstrated on this set-up but also using different partners’ XCT devices at their site.


For demonstration of showcases (leader CEA) typical large scale aeronautic components will be selected (e.g. wing shells, fuselage panels, vertical tail planes), and the developed methods and algorithms (all WPs are concerned) will be demonstrated.


The robot based XCT setup, the software demonstrator and the software for composite modelling will be used for this final demonstration but also for evaluation during the project. All partners are involved in this WP.




This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research,
technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 314562.

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