Project TT

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TT - Technology Transfer and Educational Programme

Knowledge-management and education of the K-Project employees are key issues for a successful research centre.
Likewise is the effective transfer of know-how within the research network as well as between project-partners, the industry and the public a fundamental condition for up-to-date research. A strong co-operation with international NDT-associations like the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (ÖGfZP) and the international committee of NDT (ICNDT), and with various certification and standardization groups will further help to enhance the introduction of new NDT methods. Hence, central goals of this project are:
  • Efficient knowledge management
  • Knowledge and technology transfer
  • Enhanced awareness and visibility of the K-Project in public
  • Co-operation with international NDT-associations with the aim of:
    • International harmonization of NDT education and qualification
    • Development of national and international NDT-standards especially for new NDT methods like computed tomography, active thermography, laser-ultrasonics, optical coherence tomography…