Leader: AIR 

Partners involved: FHW, UPAT, KU Leuven, EADS, FACC, LAC, VG, CEA, FHG


The main objective of WP2 is to specify real aircraft structures as potential candidates for Computed Tomography (CT). Typical geometries, physical characteristics, material types and defects to be detected will be described. In addition, the needs for industrial use of CT will be specified. Clear objectives for development goals exist and these will be formulated into a rigorous framework for a successful collaboration. Demonstration and evaluation of QUICOM’s results will take place at industrial partner sites, and these will be planned as part of WP2. The specific properties and features of the systems to be tested and compared will be defined and suitable components and tools specified for these evaluations.


In particular Airbus (AIR) will specify the component types (material, geometry, size) with relevance for CT inspection, the flaw types (e. g. delaminations, volume porosity), and the requirements on CT for material characterization. This WP defines the requirements for all other WPs. One of the most important outcomes of this WP is the report on industrial needs regarding component types to be inspected and inspection tasks. Finally, another WP2 expected outcome is the report on the samples and test cases including associated Non Destructive Testing (NDT) reference data.






This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research,
technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 314562.

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