Organisation profile:

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FHG) is one of Europe’s largest institutions for Applied Research, structured into 60 institutes with more than 18.000 employees, two thirds of them engineers and scientists. FHG promotes and undertakes applied research in an international context, of direct utility to private and public enterprise and of wide benefit to society as a whole. By developing technological innovations and novel systems solutions for their customers, the Fraunhofer Institutes help to reinforce the competitive strength of the economy in their region, throughout Germany and in Europe. The Fraunhofer Development Center for X-ray Technology (EZRT) has employed approximately 50 engineers and scientists. EZRT operates 14 X-ray systems for 2D and 3D inspection for a variety of industrial applications. Due to the close collaboration with several aerospace industries in the recent years, EZRT has an excellent knowledge of today’s light-weight fiber composite materials and the challenges to inspect them.


Role in the project:

FHG will act as WP leader in WP6 and will contribute significantly to WP 4, 7 and 9, thus covering the complete chain of 3D-CT data acquisition with innovative measurement, reconstruction and evaluation methods. FHG will act as interface between academic innovations and industrial integration. The focus lies on algorithms for non-standard CT geometries and high resolution quantitative material analysis.


Homepage: www.iis.fraunhofer.de/de/abt/ezrt.html   

Visiting address: Department Development Center for X-Ray Technology (EZRT), Dr.-Mack-Strasse 81, 90762 Fuerth, Germany

This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research,
technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 314562.

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